sales@micrographicsinc.com| Phone: (352) 372-6039

Conversion Services
Manage Data the Smarter Way
In the digital age, we all know paper is a temporary medium for information. Large quantities of paper are expensive to maintain, difficult to store and fraught with risk from deterioration, loss, water, and fire.
The Gainesville office of InStream, LLC is the industry leader in document and image conversion services, capturing more than two million images in the average month. With 75 years of combined experience, you can be confident that your documents are processed efficiently with the highest level of care, privacy and security.
InStream, LLC's conversion services include:
Scalable and customizable solutions
Intelligent, indexed scanning
Process and workflow assessments
Desktop solutions
Rapid implementation
Onsite or offsite scanning
Cloud computing
Bound book scanning (textbooks to newspapers)
Archival preservation scanning (fragile, loose or bound materials)
Graphic arts scanning (photos, slides, films, plates)
Micrographics (microfilming, film duplication, film generation from digital)